Isaac Worthington purchased the original farm in the Ballards Community near Greenville, North Carolina in 1837. “Flue-cured” tobacco was grown as the primary crop during the late 1800s through the 1990s.
The first shade and ornamental trees were planted here in 1978.
In 1990, we added 7 and 15 gallon “pot-in-pot” container production to provide plants that could be transplanted safely during the growing season. We were the first North Carolina nursery to adopt the pot-in-pot system. Twenty-five gallon pot-in-pot production was added a few years later.
Since then we have added more shrubs, grasses, and trees ranging from 3 gallon to 45 gallon containers. In 2005, we opened a distribution/rewholesale yard at the main nursery. We carefully select plants from other growers and have them on hand to help fill holes in our inventory. In 2014 we opened a B&B stockyard, “pre-digging” plants in late winter and spring to have for summer sales.
In December of 2018 we began plans to produce plant liners for other nurseries and our own internal use. Production space was developed specifically for liner production, and our first crop was delivered to customers in the fall of 2019.

Worthington Farms is a family-owned nursery providing premium-quality plants to landscape professionals.
We are wholesale only and do not sell to the general public. Contact us to locate a landscape designer, architect, or contractor near you.
Through the years we have dreamed of being a nursery capable of supplying all the plants needed to complete a landscape project. Today we can do that in addition to supplying liners to other nurseries. We pride ourselves on the quality of our plants and the reliability of our service.
We send out periodic emails with our current availability and featured plants. Contact us for more information or to be added to our mailing list.
Container: We produce container-grown plants in sizes ranging from 3 to 35 gallon pots.
B&B: In the field, we grow plants ranging in size from 2 inch to 5 inch caliper which are then balled and burlapped (B&B).
Rewholesale: To provide a full-service experience to our customers, we carefully source and stock quality plants from other growers to fill gaps in our inventory.
Liners: We produce liners for many premier nurseries on the East Coast.